Pics from Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of the KDE Multimedia + Edu Sprint 2010.

- The corridors were painted orange and green. Cool.

- One of our cooks. The meals alone were worth coming :)

- Test shot for the group picture. Background still too bright, so I'll need the flashes.

- Another test shot. Tripods for the flashes would have been cool. Now the flash is standing on the ground. Not ideal, but better than no flash :)

- Same settings, but without flash.

- Last test shot, with all three flashes.

- The final group picture on saturday.

- The KDE EDU team, in the top floor, working hard.

- More hard work in the ground floor

- Leaving to a (sponsored) excursion to Zermatt.

- I was not the only one taking pictures :)

- Getting some money. In Zermatt you have to walk at most 1 minute for the next ATM.

- Also available as chocolate.

- Waiting and deciding between walking or driving back.

- Stracciatella ice cream is so good. Should have got one as well.

- Busses are driving with electricity. Nearly inaudible, as visible.

- Nevertheless all of us survived.

- Long way back ;)

- Zermatt is kind of touristic.

- Mountain view ...

- Trains are driving right below

- First-class train

- We just rushed past

- Another picture for

- lol ... what about our suitcases? ;)

- Retro valley picture

- Picture of the hiking group. The little twig that (should have) supported the cam was borrowed from a dead branch, thanks.

- Rails. One track only, so the trains occasionally have to wait for each other at the train stations.

- Nearly there!

- Raclette!

- 7 kg potatoes for the raclette.

- Waiting for the raclette

- Observing Saturn, Moon and star clouds

- GPS/Image synchronization for correlation.

- Next morning ...

- Getting hungry just from watching :) Müesli, Corn Flakes, Nutella, honey, jam, ...

- ... and coffee.

- I think I've eaten as much as well

- Potatoes for the BBQ. Which was really great!

- The fire is being prepared while the rest of the crew is waking up. Or already working as well.

- An origami crane

- Wood for the fire ...

- ... and the fire itself.

- Enjoying the sun

- More food! Tomatoe salad with onions, chips, bread ...

- ... carrot salad, green salad, ...

- Sandbox?